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Expression of Interest GIZ


The Green Business Competitions program is an initiative funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through GIZ implemented programme “Support to the Private and Financial Sector (PFS)

MSMEs who successfully join the program will benefit from 6 months business development support & will be eligible to access a grant up to Є10,000.



  • Registered & operational in Ghana for at least 3 years.
  • Minimum gross revenue P/A of GHC300,000 in the last two fiscal years.
  • At least 3 three full time employees.
  • Located in: Greater Accra, Bono, Bono East, Ashanti and Ahafo regions.
  • Must operate in one of GCIC’s five sectors: Climate Smart agriculture, Waste Management, Energy Efficiency, Water Supply Management & Purification, and Renewable Energy.
  • High growth potential businesses outside of the mainstream sectors above may apply if they are keen to green or decarbonize their production, manufacturing & operational processes.
  • Also MSME’s in other sectors with innovative business models and products are eligible to apply.

Women led or owned businesses are particularly encouraged to apply




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Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest – GIZ

Details of Business Owner

Are there other co-founders? If yes, provide their details.

Kindly upload a clear photograph of yourself

Maximum file size: 100MB

Is Your Business Registered? *
If yes, please upload a scanned copy of your Registration Certificate

Maximum file size: 100MB

Kindly upload a High-Resolution Version of your Company Logo

Maximum file size: 100MB

Describe your business idea and its impact on the environment

  1. Summarise your business or idea in not more than two sentences?
  2. Who is/are your core/potential customer(s) and/or user(s)?
  3. What problem does your business solve?
  4. What is your value proposition?
  5. How does your business help protect the environment?